SYNERGETICS – Synergies for Green Transformation of Inland and Coastal Shipping
Inland and coastal shipping face great challenges with respect to a significant reduction of greenhouse-gas and air-pollutant emissions resulting from the requirements stipulated in the European Green Deal and the Taxonomy Regulation as well as the fact that improved environmental performance has become a feature of ever-increasing importance to the sector in order to remain competitive. SYNERGETICS is a Horizon Europe Innovation Action, a particularly application-oriented collaborative project looking at ways to reduce emissions in inland and coastal shipping through retrofit solutions.
LIFE Boat 4 Sturgeon
The overall objective of this LIFE project is to help save the four remaining Danube sturgeon species from extinction: the Sterlet, the Waxdick, the Sternhausen and the Hausen.
Integrated River Engineering Project on the Danube East of Vienna – Catalogue of Measures
On the free-flowing Danube east of Vienna, hydraulic engineering measures are being implemented to stabilise the falling water levels, preserve unique habitats in the Danube floodplains and align the waterway infrastructure with the requirements of safe and economic Danube navigation. In order to achieve these goals, maintenance activities are carried out on an ongoing basis and hydraulic engineering optimisation projects are implemented.
Further projects
Coordinated by viadonau, COMEX² succeeds the international RIS COMEX project and, with 20 partners from 13 countries and three cooperation partners from Switzerland, Poland and Ukraine, will take up the baton for the harmonised implementation and optimisation of River Information Services (RIS) in Europe over the coming years. With a focus on the future-oriented further development of national systems and services, the programme also includes improving the resilience of the systems and services at the Danube locks and the relaunch of the national ship registration database.
- started 2023
FAIRway Danube II continues where its predecessors already initiated important developments, but also includes a number of innovative measures towards further holistic modernization of the fairway: Implementation of regular transnational monitoring of fairway conditions, Procurement of sensors for measuring water levels, fairway depths and bridge clearance heights, Upgrading the national waterway management systems and the transnational waterway monitoring system, Extending the lead time of level forecasting, Testing flexible infrastructure elements in Austria, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria, Modernization of existing berths in Austria and Romania to improve infrastructure, especially in terms of crew safety and mobility.
Inland and coastal shipping face great challenges with respect to a significant reduction of greenhouse-gas and air-pollutant emissions resulting from the requirements stipulated in the European Green Deal and the Taxonomy Regulation as well as the fact that improved environmental performance has become a feature of ever-increasing importance to the sector in order to remain competitive. SYNERGETICS is a Horizon Europe Innovation Action, a particularly application-oriented collaborative project looking at ways to reduce emissions in inland and coastal shipping through retrofit solutions.
- started 2022
The overall objective of this LIFE project is to help save the four remaining Danube sturgeon species from extinction: the Sterlet, the Waxdick, the Sternhausen and the Hausen.
Preparation and planning for ecological bank restoration, implementation of pilot measures and smaller immediate measures for bank protection.
Sanierung von schadhaften und notwendigen bzw. Rückbau von schadhaften und nicht mehr notwendigen, aus der Zeit des Kraftwerkbaus (80er-Jahre) stammenden Stiegen- & Pegelanlagen in den Stauräumen Altenwörth und Greifenstein gemäß intern und extern abgestimmten Konzept / durchgeführter Bedarfserhebung.
- started 2022
In collaboration with the Austrian Institute for Technology (AIT), viadonau has been carrying out an AI-supported assessment of the state of the towpaths since 2022. Using a new system, the condition data of the paths is recorded annually using measurement technology and analysed using AI.
- started 2021
Das im LIFE Programm geförderte Projekt stellt die „wilden Inseln“ der Donau in den Mittelpunkt. Donauweit sollen ökologisch besonders hochwertige Inselstrukturen renaturiert und/oder naturnahe erhalten werden, damit diese ihre wichtige Funktion als ökologischen Trittsteine im Donaukorridor erfüllen können. viadonau wertet Inselstrukturen in der Nationalparkstrecke auf. viadonau renaturiert Inselstrukturen in der Nationalparkstrecke.
- started 2021
MERLIN (“Maximising synergies of Ecological Restoration in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation”) ist ein Horizon 2020 Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt im Rahmen des Green Deal der Europäischen Union. 44 Partner aus ganz Europa arbeiten gemeinsam an wirkungsvollen Methoden, um EU-Ziele im Zusammenhang mit der Biodiversitäts- und der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie zu unterstützen. viadonau bringt dabei Know-How zur Renaturierung von Wasserstraßen ein und steuert als Pilotvorhaben einen Uferrückbau bei.
PLATINA3 unterstützt die Europäische Kommission in deren Aktivitäten zur Förderung der Binnenschifffahrt in Europa. PLATINA3 leistet dabei wichtige Beiträge zur Weiterentwicklung des Europäischen Aktionsprogramms zur Förderung der Binnenschifffahrt (NAIADES) sowie des zukünftigen Forschungsförderprogramms Horizon Europe.