"The responsibility for people and the environment takes first place in the value system of our management system."
As an infrastructure operator with an integrative orientation, it’s not only the Danube as a waterway that is of significance to viadonau, great emphasis is also placed on its value as a unique ecosystem that needs to be preserved and protected. The continuous improvement of its environmental performance is therefore both an obligation and a concept of the company’s identity.
After the successful introduction of a comprehensive environmental management system, viadonau gained EMAS certification in 2009 and at the beginning of 2010 became a member of the Vienna “OkoBusinessPlan” (EcoBusinessPlan). Since 2013, additional occupational health and safety have become the cornerstones of viadonaus' integrated management system (IMS).
Health, safety and environmental issues are given priority in all operational processes and are in accordance with the IMS model. viadonau has a clear commitment to environmental protection and the highest standards in the field of ecology and occupational health and safety within the company.
The companys is - besides EMAS - certified according to the international standards ISO 14001 (environment) und ISO 45001 (health and safety).
EMAS (the "Eco-Management and Audit Scheme") is a voluntary environmental management system for businesses and organisations within the European Union. Participating companies undertake to implement procedures prescribed by the EMAS Regulation III for environmental standards, and to publish an annual environmental statement. The company's impact on the environment, its environmental performance and environmental objectives are all set out in this report. The results are subject to annual review by an external environmental assessor.
The continuous improvement of the environmental management system EMAS, is of major importance for the future of the company and will continue to be promoted as such. The environmental policy published in this annual report is the foundation of the company’s environmental attributes.