Team viadonau
We know that the quality of every single member of our staff is the foundation of our business success. Social skills are as important to us as professional qualifications. viadonau unites people of different talents, abilities, and interests in equally diverse areas of expertise. Personal commitment and a willingness to work in teams is a prerequisite for the optimal dynamic delivery of our company’s services. We are therefore committed to providing our employees with a supportive working environment that stimulates communication and motivation.
Living and communicating our values
A sense of responsibility, respect and recognition are the central components of our value system. Mutual respect for each other in the course of daily interaction creates trust and a motivating work environment. We communicate and reinforce the mission statement of our company by means of regular compliance training, and in doing so encourage the firm anchoring of our corporate culture. This applies not only to our daily activities and decisions, but also to cooperation with our customers and project partners.
For people, nature and business
The health and safety of our employees is of particular importance to us. Specific training and continuous education measures to enhance safety in the workplace is of the utmost importance, especially in such a diverse work environment as the Danube and its riverbanks.
From chainsaw training through to emergency training on the Danube - we provide safe working procedures for our employees with needs-based training solutions. viadonau relies on the involvement of all employees to develop the most appropriate measures for improving health and well-being, thereby strengthening health and safety potential and preventing risk to health or the threat of disease. We perceive the awareness of responsible conduct as an integral working principle and ensure the best possible protection of the environment in all of the company’s work processes. All employees are trained to work using the best environmentally responsible practices in accordance with our environmental management system.
In 2012 viadonau was awarded the EMAS Award for its interdepartmental commitment to the environment. The award recognises the consistent involvement of our employees to improve our environmental management system and our environmental performance.