Aktuelles, viadonau

Your opinion makes us better! New customer satisfaction survey on waterway and locks


Along some 350 kilometers of the Austrian Danube as well as at nine Danube locks and the lock in Nussdorf on the Vienna Danube Canal, viadonau ensures…


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viadonau, economy

Setting course for a green future together – Around 120 experts at the Danube Business Talks 2024 in Vienna


Greener, more modern, better. For viadonau, the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action, the European Strategy for the Danube Region and numerous…


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International, press release, viadonau

Setting Course for Tomorrow – Strengthening Danube Infrastructure for European Connectivity


Danube Ministers of Transport reaffirm conclusions on effective waterway rehabilitation and maintenance


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viadonau, economy

Danube Business Talks 2024 – Setting course for a green future together


After a two-year wait, viadonau is once again welcoming top-class experts to the Danube Business Talks on 15 May 2024. Hottest topics: the sustainable…


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FGP, environment

Workshop and construction site visit on MERLIN Day


On 30 January 2024, the Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG) (IHG) at BOKU Vienna and viadonau organised the MERLIN Day…


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viadonau, economy

Flying change on the digital Danube – DIWA at the finish line, COMEX2 launched


The Danube never takes a break. The same must therefore also apply to its development as a waterway. While the RIS-COMEX follow-up project COMEX2 got…


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press release, viadonau

FAIRway Danube II – Launch of the new major international modernisation project in Vienna


With a total budget of around 70 million euros, the new EU co-financed project flagship FAIRway Danube II is setting sail. The most important mission…


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Wasserstraße, viadonau

EuRIS portal for inland navigation introduces new release


A year after its launch, the EuRIS portal www.eurisportal.eu for inland navigation provides a major release with new features and improved…


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FGP, viadonau

MERLIN: Launch of the riverbank restoration at the floodplains in Hainburg


Within the framework of the Horizon 2020 project MERLIN, viadonau brings more life to the floodplain. As part of the international, EU co-financed…


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Wasserstraße, viadonau

viadonau publishes Annual Report on Danube Navigation 2022, new: online preview tour with most significant facts and highlights


The most important viadonau publication of the year is here and can now be explored with a new online feature on the viadonau website. In addition to…


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