Transport policy as a basis for European Integration
Functional and efficient transport systems are essential for the economic and social development of Europe. Transport policy is therefore one of the most important instruments for stable and sustainable implementation of European integration. In addition to high quality accessibility and infrastructural development, the environmentally friendly and energy-efficient future of mobility is at the heart of transport policy strategies at both national and European level.
European Transport and Inland Navigation Policy
The Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and integrated growth in the European Union aims to achieve a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020. The goal is to achieve a 20% emission reductions compared to those recorded in the 1990s, combined with an increase in energy efficiency of at least 20%. Inland waterway transport can make an important contribution in this area: it is environmentally friendly, safe and has ample available capacity.
In 2006 the European Union launched the NAIADES Action Programme for the promotion of inland waterway transport, with the aim of strengthening the position of inland waterways in the overall European transport system. This was superseded by NAIADES II, which is still running today. viadonau cooperates with the other Danube countries to improve mobility and multimodality along the waterway within the framework of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
National programmes for the Danube
The National Action Plan Danube Navigation (NAP), launched in 2007, set out the national implementation strategy and defined the agenda for Austrian navigation policy until the year 2015. This Action Plan pointed the way for bmvit’s Action Programme for the Danube which is set to run until 2022. In line with NAIADES and the European Danube Region Strategy, it is innovative and integrative and combines the active promotion of inland navigation and flood control.