Baseline Situation & Challenges
The Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Regulation obliges the European member states to ensure a "Good Navigation Status" (GNS) on navigable European waterways, canals and lakes by 2030.
In addition to the TEN-T Regulation, the EU Water Framework Directive provides important parameters for the maintenance and development of waterway infrastructure. Member States commit to prevent deterioration of the status of all surface water bodies and to maintain or restore GES/GEP ("good ecological status/good ecological potential) in their rivers and lakes by 2027.
The Birds and Habitats Directives contain a similar principle of non-degradation to the EU Water Framework Directive, but related to the survival of the most endangered and vulnerable species and ecosystems in Europe.
The challenge now is to reconcile these seemingly conflicting interests in a river basin. It is now essential to take into account the experience gained so far when planning future conservation and development measures.
Planned Activities
- Implement integrative hydraulic engineering projects in the two free-flowing stretches of the Austrian Danube
- Continuously optimise waterway management, e.g. through digitally supported waterway management, the use of new technologies/devices/measurement techniques, the development of forecasting models
- Develop adaptation strategies for the effects of climate change on water flow
- Use dynamically adaptable hydraulic engineering structures
- Prevent bed deepening in free-flowing stretches through targeted bedload management and in cooperation with all relevant actors
- Involve relevant actors and research institutions in the development of measures and build cross-policy and cross-thematic alliances and alliances with platforms, networks and operators relevant for implementation
- Create wave-protected areas