Baseline Situation & Challenges
The waterway and the Danube's natural habitat are strongly connected with European environmental and transport policy. The implementation of the European Green Deal has a major impact on both thematic fields.
The BMK and viadonau are actively involved in various European expert groups, standardisation bodies or political initiatives and in this way push for the consideration of the special requirements of Danube navigation in the development of European framework conditions.
In addition to helping to shape European regulations, the implementation of the respective requirements in national law and the design of national framework conditions and regulations is a permanent task of the BMK.
Likewise, the development of technical and legal regulations for navigation is becoming increasingly important in order to contribute to a reduction of energy consumption and emissions.
Planned Activities
- Participate in the implementation of European inland navigation policy in the Danube Region (in line with other EU policies)
- Contribute to the development of a European policy framework for inland navigation by providing technical support to European institutions
- Actively contribute sectoral needs to the design of future European funding programmes
- Coordinate priority area 1a (inland navigation) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)
- Contribute to the simplification, harmonisation and digitalisation of administrative processes along the Danube waterway
- Further develop national rules and regulations