
SYNERGETICS – Synergies for Green Transformation of Inland and Coastal Shipping

Inland and coastal shipping face great challenges with respect to a significant reduction of greenhouse-gas and air-pollutant emissions resulting from the requirements stipulated in the European Green Deal and the Taxonomy Regulation as well as the fact that improved environmental performance has become a feature of ever-increasing importance to the sector in order to remain competitive. SYNERGETICS is a Horizon Europe Innovation Action, a particularly application-oriented collaborative project looking at ways to reduce emissions in inland and coastal shipping through retrofit solutions.


LIFE Boat 4 Sturgeon

The overall objective of this LIFE project is to help save the four remaining Danube sturgeon species from extinction: the Sterlet, the Waxdick, the Sternhausen and the Hausen.


Integrated River Engineering Project on the Danube East of Vienna – Catalogue of Measures

On the free-flowing Danube east of Vienna, hydraulic engineering measures are being implemented to stabilise the falling water levels, preserve unique habitats in the Danube floodplains and align the waterway infrastructure with the requirements of safe and economic Danube navigation. In order to achieve these goals, maintenance activities are carried out on an ongoing basis and hydraulic engineering optimisation projects are implemented.

Further projects

  • The project aims at further developing the public berths that are available for usual, operational purposes of cargo and passenger vessels (e.g. resting periods, staff changes, shore leaves) according to user needs and legal requirements.

  • viadonau participates in several expert committees, in order to actively shape rules and regulations in the field of inland navigation. The aim is the sharing of expertise regarding nautical-technical innovations in inland navigation (with a focus on Danube navigation).

  • The revised "Service Regulation for Flood Service" was put into effect in 2018.

  • The aim of this continuous activity is the promotion of inland navigation (need for innovation regarding infrastructure, digitalisation, education and training as well as fleet modernisation) in the European research agendas and its consideration in various funding schemes.

  • In the course of this activity an administrative reform of the Danube Flood Control Agency (DHK) is being prepared, for which viadonau is the legally defined managing authority.

  • started 2015

    Since 2019, the ongoing roll-out and optimisation of the remote monitoring of floating fairway signs has been taking place. The RIS COMEX Project aims to make the exact position information of fairway buoys on board ships usable and thus facilitate navigation for skippers. The fairway buoys are to be displayed via the navigation chart display software on board the ships.

  • The operating regulation for the flood protection facilities along the Morava and the Thaya was evaluated and revised.

  • In the event of a crisis, it is crucial to be able to fall back on already prepared procedures and checklists in order to avoid mistakes. The internal process „Crisis Management“ and the necessary documentation were comprehensively revised in 2017.

  • In 2017, viadonau started a project for the standardisation of the operational maps used by various authorities and emergency services in the event of floods, ship accidents or similar incidents.

  • started 2015

    The project's objective is the integration of the two Thaya meanders D18 and D9 into the flow regime of the Thaya, thus creating dynamic natural river bank areas.