The application for an international certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (coastal) can either be submitted to one of the examination organisations or directly to viadonau.
A) Applications to examination organisations
The application for an ICC can be provided by a examination organisation. For this purpose, the following documents are required:
- Application form provided by examination organisation: completed and signed with passport photograph attached (recommended: not older than six months, with name written on the back)
- Copy of a private certificate of one of the examination organisations
- Copy of first aid certificate in accordance with § 15, para. 12 Maritime Code
- Copy of a government-issued ID
For details, methods of payment, opening times etc., please consult your examination organisation!
B) Application in person to viadonau
It is possible to submit an application directly to viadonau. This can be done in person or by a third party with power of attorney during opening times. The following documents are required for this:
- Application form: completed and signed with passport photograph attached (recommended: not older than six months, with name written on the back)
Form v 3.5 for applications according to JachtVO - Copy of a private certificate of one of the examination organisations
- Copy of first aid certificate in accordance with.§ 15, para.12 Maritime Code
- Copy of a government-issued ID
- Verification of full payment
If you apply for your international certificate in person at viadonau please transfer the amount of EUR 118.30 to the following account and note the purpose of payment as "ICC" with your name.
Uni Credit Bank Austria AG
IBAN: AT79 1200 0506 6206 2694
via donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH
Donau-City-Straße 1, 6. Stock
A-1220 Wien
Tel.: 05 04321 1634
Fax: 05 04321 1450
E-Mail: ic[at]