The project Dynamic LIFE Lines Danube is implemented by an Austrian-Slovakian Consortium.
Coordinating Beneficiary:
- viadonau – Österreichische Wasserstraßengesellschaft mbH (Austrian Waterway Company)
Associated Beneficiaries - Austria:
- Nationalpark Donau-Auen GmbH (Donau-Auen National Park)
- Umweltverband WWF Österreich (World Wide Fund for Nature, Austria)
Associated Beneficiaries - Slovakia:
- Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie (BROZ) - Bratislava Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development
- Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Prírodovedecká fakulta (PRIFUK) - Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Národné lesnícke centrum (NLC) - Slovak National Forest Center
Costs & Financing
Co-funding by the European Union has been granted in the frame of the funding programm LIFE Nature and Biodiversity.
Dynamic LIFE Lines Danube - LIFE18 NAT/AT/000733
Total costs of the LIFE project: 10.730.658 EUR
EU-funding: 6.438.393 EUR (funding rate 60%)
The measures are also financed nationally by the Austrian and Slovakian partners' own funds brought into the project.
Further more the project is financially supported by the following organisations:
- Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung – Abteilung Wasserbau (Federal Government of Lower Austria - Section Hydraulic Engineering)
- Niederösterreichischer Landesfischereiverband (NÖLFV)* (Fishery district associations of Lower Austria)
- NÖLFV - Fischereirevierverband II* (Fishery district association II of Lower Austria)
*funded by fishing license fees.
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