Digitalisation, especially of information flows, is a necessary and essential step to further develop inland navigation and to further strengthen its attractiveness and competitiveness vis-à-vis other modes of transport.
An essential component of the digitalisation of inland navigation and a prerequisite for a successful digital transformation is the availability of digitalised inland waterways supported and operated by the waterway operators. The digital infrastructure of inland waterways should support the digital transition of business processes in inland navigation and provide users with the necessary harmonised and standardised services on a European level.
The aim of the project is to develop a master plan including a roadmap for the development and implementation of the digitalisation of inland navigation. The purpose is to improve navigation support, traffic and transport management and logistics processes. The master plan is being drawn up for the five countries France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. The master plan is intended to ensure, on the one hand, that the necessary measures for the implementation of the digitalisation of inland navigation are advanced at both national and international level and, on the other hand, that appropriate financial resources are made available for this purpose (primarily through EU funding programmes). An essential criterion for the success of the project is the general acceptance of the master plan by the European Commission and the national project commissioners.
Further information is available on the project website:
- Austria (viadonau)
- Belgium (De VlaamseWaterweg)
- Germany (Federal Wateways and Shipping Administration)
- France (Voiesnavigables de France)
- Netherlands (Rijkswaterstaat)
News and project status
In 2019, all relevant project basics (work programme, consortium agreement, stakeholder engagement plan, dissemination plan) were developed and risk and opportunity management were carried out. Further five studies on the topic of technological developments and four studies on the topic of facilitators were completed.
Following the initial drafting of the master plan, feedback was requested before finalization. The master plan reflects the vision of the five waterway authorities involved and lays the foundations for increasing efficiency (economy - Danube logistics) as well as enabling and promoting an increase in transport safety.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and delays in content, the project was extended by one year and finally completed in December 2023.
The project makes a substantial contribution to the implementation of measure
09. Develop River Information Services further of the Action Programme for the Danube 2022 and the work package 06. Developing corridor-wide river information services and other information technologies and strengthen links to other modes of transport of the Action Programme Danube 2030.