In the course of this continuous activity to foster cooperation on a national and international level viadonau is regularly present at various networking activities. Together with different authorities and business stakeholders as well as research and educational institutes with particular focus on the Danube region and the EU, topics like the integrative planning of infrastructure projects and best practices in the field of waterway maintenance or innovation are being discussed.

The national and international networking with relevant stakeholders is - according to the Waterway Act - part of the development tasks of viadonau.


In the period 2019/2020, viadonau was particularly active at European level. The European waterway administrations are obliged to establish and maintain a "Good Navigation Status" (GNS) due to the TEN-T Directive. However, the term "Good Navigation Status" is not further specified; a concretization of this legal obligation and the introduction of the claims of the Danube waterway administrations are in the strategic interest of BMK and viadonau. Therefore, the BMK and viadonau have made - within the framework of an European expert group - a significant contribution to the operationalization and interpretation of this term. The Austrian proposal in this regard was largely incorporated into an official interim report in coordination with the European Commission and the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine. As a result, operationalized parameters and monitoring processes for the GNS adapted to the Danube are to be taken up in the revision of the TEN-T Directive planned by the EU Commission for 2021.

The activity makes a substantial contribution to the implementation of measure 
14. Embed Danube navigation in European strategies of the Action Programme for the Danube 2022.