viadonau is providing a new online portal on Danube logistics services. The new "Danube Logistics Portal" merges the existing "Blue Pages" and "Danube Ports" online portals in a joint platform with a new design which offers useful services to support transport planning on the waterway. It primarily targets potential users of services in the field of Danube logistics and contributes to shift transports towards the waterway.
The features of the Danube Logistics Portal at a glance:
- Since 2009 the "Blue Pages" have been providing a detailed overview of shipping companies and brokers from the entire Danube region. The free of charge online directory has been enhanced over the years with new features and has become a highly valuable source of information for all those who want to include inland waterways in their transport chain. The new layout and updated company profiles offer higher efficiency and an optimized usability.
- The "Danube Ports" include profiles of more than 60 ports and transhipment sites along the Danube from Kelheim to the Black Sea. Information on port facilities, storage capacities, logistics providers and relevant contacts are available in an easy-to-use and clearly structured form.
- The "Travel Time Calculator" is a tool for calculating the estimated travel time between two ports on the Rhine-Main-Danube axis.
- The "Transport Planner” is a new tool, which combines all functions and information in the portals "The Blue Pages", "Danube Ports" and "Travel Time Calculator".
The new portal can be accessed at: