On January 17, 2022, the EU Directive 2017/2397 “on the recognition of professional qualifications in IWT” must be implemented in national law in all EU member states and come into force. The intention was to tighten and harmonize the legal framework for professional qualifications in the European inland navigation sector, thereby increasing the mobility of workers and the safety of shipping. The directive replaces a complex set of varying regional requirements for inland navigation operators. The implementation entails far-reaching changes in the national education, training and certification systems for inland navigation personnel. Harmonized standards for competencies (qualification requirements), standards for the medical suitability of staff as well as standards for practical tests and the approval of simulators are an integral part of the EU directive. After January 2022, only the new Union certificates of competency and additional qualifications will be dispensed.
News & Activities
According to the directive, the member states have to implement their own registers for the administration of competency certificates and service books by January 17, 2022. The BMK commissioned viadonau to coordinate the implementation and subsequent operation of the Austrian “National Crew Database”.
In autumn 2020 an EU-wide procurement by tender for the implementation of this database for Austria was launched.
The implementation of the National Crew Database for Austria is ongoing. Coordination is taking place between viadonau, BMK, RGO and EC.
At the same time, an interface to the Austrian State Printing Office (OeSD) is being established.
The activity makes a substantial contribution to the implementation of measure 16. Develop navigation-related policies and regulations further of the Action Programme for the Danube 2022.
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Allow display of the current online annual report on Danube navigation in Austria via the external platform reportery.io..