Hydrodynamic numerical models are used to simulate different discharge scenarios and are an indispensable tool for water management planning. By means of these models simulations can be run for relevant design events like HQ100 to determine, for example, inundation areas or necessary dam heights. The models also provide important insights for navigation and waterway management. For example, the effects of planned hydraulic structures (groynes) on the formation of fords or the flow conditions at newly constructed berths can be calculated as well. The models thus provide professional input for (research) projects and hydraulic engineering measures. Additionally, the results can serve as basis for project applications and funding proposals.
The aim of this activity is the maintenance, support and enhancement of the hydrodynamic models for the Danube, the March and the Thaya as well as their provision to other viadonau departments (e.g. flood protection, ecology, navigation) and external partners (e.g. Länder Upper and Lower Austria).
- Federal and Länder (federal states) authorities:
mutual exchange of experience with the Länder Upper and Lower Austria, provision of expert knowledge and gauging data by viadonau, e. g. flood protection for the Eferdinger Becken - Civil engineers
- Universities
News and activity status
In 2017, the optimisation of several groynes in the ford area Bad Deutsch-Altenburg was supported, among other tasks. The optimisation of the groynes was planned using a highly specialised software (state of the art). The hydrodynamic modeling showed that the changed flow dynamics caused by the optimised groynes could also be simulated by means of a customary and in Austria very common software package. The adjustments of the hydraulic structures were implemented in the framework of the Catalogue of Measures for the Danube east of Vienna.
In 2018, a feasibility study for the "IM_STROM" project was commissioned and technically supported. The combination of mathematical optimization algorithms with hydrodynamic models to solve complex hydraulic problems was investigated.
In addition, the Office of the Upper Austrian Government, Department for Water Management and Flood Protection, was given technical support in the creation of a hydrodynamic model for the Danube and data collected by viadonau was made available.
In 2019, among other things, the feasibility study for the "IM_STROM" project was completed. The combination of mathematical optimisation algorithms with hydrodynamic models to solve complex hydraulic problems was investigated. In 2019, this primarily included the projects "Life Auenwildnis Wachau", "ProDaM", the Haslau-Regelsbrunn waterway network, "Interreg Alpine-Carpathian River Corridor - Renaturation of the Fish River Estuary", "Dam Break Scenario Wolfsthaler Damm" and the Christian Doppler Laboratory II.
In 2021 and 2022, a network generator software 2D modelling was developed to create future 2D models more efficiently. This software will be presented at an international user conference on 14 September 2022. Furthermore, the Hydrology Department is also involved on an ongoing basis for technical coordination, advice and project support. Currently supported projects are ProDAM (technical support for hydrodynamic modelling), LIFE Auenwildnis Wachau, Wasserspiegeloptimierung Wachau (technical support for idea and concept development, currently on hold). The technical support of the study "Influence of climate change on the March" was completed. A follow-up commission regarding water temperature is expected soon.
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In 2020, viadonau dedicated itself to special questions on the application and use of hydrodynamic numerical 2D modelling. With this measure, viadonau strengthens its thematic leadership in the field of hydrodynamic modelling in the Danube basin. The knowledge gained is to be applied in a variety of ways: In the awarding and monitoring of its own contracts, in technical cooperation with regional authorities, in the preparation of hydrological evaluations or in the assessment of external calculations, studies and analyses. In 2020, viadonau internally developed a monitoring concept based on hydrodynamic modelling as part of the project "Life Auenwildnis Wachau", which was strongly endorsed by the responsible authority and is now already being successfully applied. The experts from viadonau have accompanied several internal projects. In 2020, the ProDaM project should again be highlighted.
The activity makes a substantial contribution to the implementation of measure
04. Promote innovations in waterway management of the Action Programme for the Danube 2022.