viadonau is responsible for the preparation and implementation of protective and preventative measures for the safe discharge of flood water and the prevention of flood damage. This is linked to the organisation and implementation of flood emergency management services in the event of flooding.
As the managing body of the Danube Flood Control Agency (Donauhochwasserschutz-Konkurrenz (DHK)) viadonau is responsible for flood protection along the Danube in the area of Krems and from Stockerau-Zeiselmauer to the state border. This also includes the tributaries in the backwater areas of the Danube. viadonau is also contracted by the relevant water authorities with the maintenance of the protective dams along the Morava and lower Thaya.
Key data Danube region
- Total length of flood protection facilities: 170 km (excluding "Donauinsel" and A22)
- DHK Dams: approx. 157 km
- Ditches: approx. 5 km
- 112 culverts, sluices and special structures, including 12 pumping stations
- 13 bridges

Key data Morava-Thaya region
- Total length of flood protection facilities: 75 km
- 98 culverts, sluices and special structures, of which 29 are pumping stations
- 2 bridges
All flood protection facilities need to be continually maintained, supervised and checked for safety. The organisation of operations is carried out in coordination with local authorities and the emergency services.
Dry weather
In the case of dry weather, viadonau is tasked with the maintenance and the day to day operation of dams. This includes regular inspections and functionality tests of the constructions, along with the maintenance of ditches and embankments.
Measures are taken, dependant on the water level, such as the closing of culverts and the bringing of pumping stations into operation.
Operating with due regard for the natural environment

Flood protection dams impair the ecosystems of the land adjacent to them because they are barriers that require ongoing maintenance, which leads to disruption to the ecosystem. On the other hand, they also represent important compensatory habitats for endangered organisms and therefore need to be managed carefully. In recent years, innovative methods have been developed for maintaining stretches of the river, which promote a favourable environment for these riverine ecosystems.