The efficiency of supply chains largely depends upon data and information. The availability of reliable information, sometimes in real-time, is crucial to be able to make effective transport decisions. Therefore, on the strategic level, the fragmentation and lack of connectivity of individual logistics information systems in the supply chain need to be overcome.
In previous projects, major efforts have already been undertaken to share data in a centralised and standardised way. If all actors use data the same way (classification, semantics, format etc.), many of the challenges regarding interoperability are overcome. In reality, individual organisations in the supply chain are often unwilling or unable to conform to standards different from their internal ones. Many logistics actors are also reluctant to place data under the influence of a third party. However, sharing information in different ways makes a large number of bilateral agreements and interfaces necessary which increases with the number of actors in the system.
The main objective of this project was to overcome these interoperability issues by developing the cloud-based AEOLIX Platform for connecting different logistics information systems, both intra- and cross-company, for real-time exchange of information in support of logistics-related decisions. In this open system decentralised information sharing among commercial stakeholders as well as relevant authorities was enabled.
AEOLIX users with their own (internal) systems could connect themselves directly to the platform, namely to the Connectivity Engine (CE), allowing them to share information with AEOLIX participants and use available services. Logistics actors could send data to the Connectivity Engine and/or the Dashboard which will make the information visible for transportation partners in a manner agreed between the players.
The collaborative logistics system was elaborated, tested and validated in 12 "Living Labs". viadonau and two Romanian partners were working on the implementation of the so-called Danube Living Lab (LL5). LL5 had its main objectives in expanding electronic reporting of travel and cargo data by means of the RIS key technology ERI (Electronic Reporting) in the Danube region and in making actual vessel positions available to the AEOLIX collaborative logistics system, taking into account data protection and privacy requirements.
- European Road Transport Telematicsimplementation Coordination Organisation - Intelligent Transport Systems & Services Europe (Belgium) - Lead Partner
- Kuehne+Nagel Societe Anonyme for Transports & Logistics (Greece)
- Unilever U.K. Central Resources Limited (United Kingdom)
- Mondelez European Business Services Centre sro (Slovakia)
- IRU Projects ASBL (Belgium)
- Atos Spain Sa (Spain)
- PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG (Germany)
- T-Systems International GmbH (Germany)
- Jan de Rijk BV (Netherlands)
- NTEX AB (Sweden)
- Coop Logistik AB (Sweden)
- Giventis International BV (Netherlands)
- Geoloc Systems (France)
- Teamnet World Professional Services SRL (Romania)
- Ihorks Shipping and Trading SRL (Romania)
- Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) (Greece)
- Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
- Consorzio Interuniversitario per l'ottimizzazione e la ricerca operativa - ICOOR (Italy)
- AustriaTech - Gesellschaft des Bundes für Technologiepolitische Maßnahmen GmbH (Austria)
- Fundación para la Promoción de la Innovación, Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en la Industria de la Automoción de Galicia (CTAG) (Spain)
- Cluster de Empresas de Automocion de Galicia (CEAGA) (Spain)
- Novacom Services SA (France)
- Centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement (France)
- Emporiko Kai Viomichaniko Epimelitirio Thessaloniki (Greece)
- Syndesmos Exagogeon Voreiou Ellados (Greece)
- TX Logistik AG (Germany)
- Stichting Connect (Netherlands)
- Stichting Smart Freight Centre (Netherlands)
- The University of Northampton - Higher Education Corporation (United Kingdom)
- Samer & Co. Shipping S.p.A. (Italy)
- Terminal Intermodale di Trieste Fernetti S.p.A (Italy)
- Via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH (Austria)
- House of Logistics & Mobility (HOLM) GmbH (Germany)
- Hamburg Port Authority (Germany)
Duration and budget
01.09.2016 – 31.08.2019
Total project budget (all partners): EUR 16,220,106.25
EU co-financing (Horizon 2020): EUR 16,220,106.25
Project start September 2016
Coordination with Romanian partners (TEAMNET World Professional Services and IHORKS Shipping and Trading)
Elaboration of inputs for Work Package 5 (Living Labs), e.g. stakeholder analysis, user requirements, Living Lab scenarios
Start of the ERI (Electronic Reporting) data exchange between Austria and Romania in test operation in July 2018
Start of vessel position data exchange between Austria and Romania in test operation in July 2018
Incorporation of Living Lab 5 scenarios into the AEOLIX collaborative logistics platform from mid of 2018, allowing for controlled vessel position information provision to logistics users
Preparation for the Living Lab 5 Test-Fest, demonstrating the improvements of using the AEOLIX collaborative logistics platform compared to the actual situation in 2018
Finalisation of Living Lab 5 integration into the AEOLIX ecosystem until April 2019 and start of evaluation phase
Project closure August 2019
News and project status
The project was successfully concluded.
In 2019, the partners carried out the operational connection of the Austrian (DoRIS), Slovakian (SlovRIS) and Romanian RIS systems (RoRIS). Position data and transport messages have been exchanged between these three states since September 2019. The project was completed on time at the end of August 2019. More information can be found at
A follow-up project to AEOLIX was initiated. This project called FENIX NETWORK "A European Federated Network of Information Exchange" was launched in September 2019 and pushes the further linking of digital platforms with the aim of service harmonisation. Further information can be found at
The project made a substantial contribution to the implementation of measure
09. Develop River Information Services further of the Action Programme for the Danube 2022.