Since the gravel bank at Linz-Urfahr was destroyed by the flood in June 2013, viadonau conducted a hydro-ecological landscaping project, actively involving the local population. The project aimed at restoring the gravel bank as a near-natural bank protection, a spawning area and habitat for Danube fish as well as a local recreational area.

Between December 2015 and March 2016 twelve stone groynes were constructed as a supporting core and covered with approx. 31.100 m³ Danube gravel (dredged in the fairway). Additionally, white willows were planted along the riverbank. The newly created gravel bank of about 600 m enriches the landscape and provides valuable spawning and nursery grounds for typical, meanwhile rare Danube fish species like the "Nase". 


The project made a substantial contribution to the implementation of measure
17. Execute restoration measures implementing the EU Water Framework Directive of the Action Programme for the Danube 2022.